Friday, January 08, 2010

Fun at the beach

Dom heads out into the ocean.

Splashing your feet around is fun.

Walking back out with Dad after a long time in the waves.

Dom adores getting splashed by foamy waves and doesn't even seem to object to the large amounts of salt water he ends up swallowing. Jumping up and down and squealing with delight in the water as waves approach is tiring though. So is watching and holding him. Matt tried an experimental protective plastic bag for the camera but I'm not sure if we got a good pic of him lunging into an oncoming wave. Maybe next time.

Wrapped up warm to head home.

He didn't even kick the towel off on the way back. Tired legs or glad of the extra warm layer?

He did look rather like Salieri to my eye as though he was prepared to absolve onlookers as he passed by.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

More Christchurch Holiday snaps