Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Youth of today - Too much Dr Phil or the work of the school counsellor?

As I was strolling through the grounds of school with my lunch in hand on route to the staff room this lunchtime when I overheard some frightening conversations from some young students. They appeared to be third or fourth form but I didn't recognise them. "You know your behaviour is getting self-destructive." "I know, but I feel like I need some closure. I guess I still have some unresolved issues." "Yeah, but it isn't fair to Devan to put your relationship baggage on him." "Yeah, I guess we just need to talk it through..." What the hell? Since when did 13 year olds start needing closure and having relationship baggage? I guess they find it hard to trust and be open after being burnt by relationships in primary school. Comfortingly, some 13 year old boys ran past making siren 'woo-woo' noises not long after. At least they aren't all scaringy mature.


Blogger Matt said...

Teenage boys - a breath of refreshingly stupid air.

6:01 PM  
Blogger hix said...

I attribute it to Dawson's Creek. That show really raised the standard for hyper-self-aware blather that teens are expected to speak.

And now I think about it, what's wrong with needing closure? From what I heard, Devan has been pretty reasonable, but that other guy was a total ass.

11:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No way Hix, Devan doesn't seem like he's doing anything wrong, but he is preventing that girl from achieving self-actualisation!

What's his pay off?

Debs: when I think back to my own behaviour at age 13, I was definitely on the making 'woo-woo' noises end of the spectrum.

7:38 PM  

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