Sunday, October 19, 2008

Apparently the gym is a good place to go to meet ladies...

So Dominic made some new friends at the gym today. From the second I let him out of the stroller for a crawl around, he sped over to a couple of girls about 3 or 4 years old who were colouring in. Before I even got over there, he was in the middle of everything and they were giving him his own felts and a picture to draw on. Having visions of a felt covered baby or Dom chomping on potentially toxic ink, I said that I'd move Dominic away because I didn't want him to ruin their drawings.

Of course Dominic was pretty determined and went straight back to them first chance he got. I chased after him and then I got the preschool equivalent of the Spanish inquistion. What was my baby's name? How old was he? How old was I? (and when they heard the answer, they gasped and exclaimed that 'that's old!') Did Dominic have any brothers and sisters? How old was he when got his teeth etc?

They then fussed over Dominic while he grinned and shouted excitedly waving his arms with all the attention.

About ten minutes later when I was about to leave, one of the girls ran over with a drawing to give to Dominic as a 'valentine'? Valentine's drawings? In November? Should I be worried about Dom getting embroiled in pre-school romances already?

As you can see from the photos, Dominic is pretty chuffed with his Valentine's drawing.


Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, getting Valentines in November, that's impressive!

5:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew he was a ladies man...

2:08 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

Those are some awesome photos of the little guy. He looks so happy!

Also, impressive that you got him to stop moving long enough to get a photo :-)

2:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a "man drought" in Kapiti. It was recently reported that the ratio of men to women in Kapiti was 89:100, being the lowest in NZ. So, this doesn't surprise me. Some clever 3 or 4 year old girls is all.

Anyway, I prefer to call it a "woman flood" ;)

4:48 PM  

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