Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Scrooge vs Grinch vs Grouch

While I'm probably more at the bouncing around singing jingle bells than the 'bah humbug' end of the attitude towards Christmas spectrum, I do love my anti-Christmas characters. There's nothing more charming than a mean, cynical grump who just can't stand the noise and excitement of all the Merry Christmasing going on around them. Let's face it, we've all had moments in the supermarket or shop when they've played Mariah Carey singing 'All I want for Christmas' one too many times and we're tempted stuff fruitcake into the stereo just for some peace and quiet. So it's time for a Christmas poll about who is the greatest Christmas-hating character of all time. The contenders: Ebenezer 'Even the vegetables don't like him' Scrooge The 'cuddly as a cactus' Grinch Oscar 'I hate Christmas' the Grouch Please comment with your vote!


Anonymous macow said...

Its the Grinch all the way for me!! He THEMES mean all in one body, rather than just grumpy. And the muppets have got each other sing along with, which is WAY too comfy for them to take the title.

5:46 PM  
Blogger Mashugenah said...

Scrooge and the Grinch were eventually reformed. Which is basically weakness of character. I'm unsure as to the exact fate of Oscar, but I'm betting he's still a grouch and so gets my vote.

2:53 PM  
Blogger debbie said...

You are right, at least insofar as I can remember Oscar never became ungrouchy.

4:02 PM  
Blogger Jenni said...

There goes Mt Humbug, there goes Mr Sneer!

Scrooge for sure. Michael Caine Scrooge for life.

11:34 PM  

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