Friday, July 24, 2009

Ice cream cookie sandwich

Ice cream is delicious. Chocolate chip cookies are also full of deliciousness. So naturally I was pretty excited when I saw that you can buy Chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwiches. We bought one for Dom (on the grounds that he would probably only want a couple of bites then we could have the rest - which didn't exactly go to plan.)

Unfortunately, Dom was rather keen on his ice cream sandwich.

There appeared to be little hope of him ever giving it up.

Fortunately, he did at least stop munching for a second so I got to sample a quick bite or two of stolen ice cream goodness.

However, I have to say it did not meet my high expectations. The ice cream was yummy and creamy but the cookie was dry and lack flavour. Obviously many biscuits don't stand up well to being frozen but I still expected it to be moister and more cookie doughish.

It got me thinking as to what would be the perfect cookie to create an ice cream sandwich. The cookie would have to be reasonably soft or else all the ice cream would squish out the sides whenever you bit into it. Entirely chocolate coated biscuits would leave you with melted chocolatey fingers.

I suppose a cookie time cookie would be great but they're huge. Eating two of those with a slab of ice cream between them would probably be more than I could manage.

Maybe it requires freshly baked choc chip cookies? I don't know I'm struggling to think of a packet biscuit you can buy that isn't unsuitable for ice cream sandwich purposes.

Such are deep and complex dilemmas are the things I grieve over on long winter nights...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh !!! so cute....

Getting a Payday advance is just a few steps away

1:41 AM  

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