Monday, July 21, 2008

Term 3 starts...

Holidays are now over and Matt went back to work today. I have tentatively made a bunch of daily rules for myself for this term - largely they consist of making myself exercise and write everyday as well as not eating any post-dinner snacks* and so far so good. It seems the no post-dinner snacking is going to be the hard bit because it's not that long after dinner and imaginary foods are already calling to me.

Dom and I also invented a new game today. It is an action movie inspired (as was the Mission Impossible game) rather unimaginatively called 'Indiana Jones game'. It requires a swiss ball, an enthusiastic baby and more arm strength than I have if you want to play it as often as Dominic does. It involves holding the baby just above the floor infront of the swiss ball and pushing the ball so that it rolls after him. You have to rush the baby along as he giggles hysterically about being chased by a giant ball. When you reach the other side of the room, you spin the baby around to face the swiss ball and he kicks out excitedly trying to kick the ball**.

This game soon developed into another version where I sat on the couch holding Dominic letting him kick or push the swiss ball and then laugh excitedly as it rolled away and then back to him. Who knew swiss balls are basically boomerangs and always roll back in the direction they were pushed?

* Fruit doesn't count because it is not real food in the naughty delicious way that chocolate/cookie are food. It's food that you can feel virtuous about eating so it doesn't count.

** A little known deleted scene from the movie is when Indy turns around to confront the rolling big rock in the tunnel, giggles like an infant and kicks his wriggly legs at the ball. Honest.

I shall have to get Matt to take a photo of Dominic playing with the swiss ball. In the meantime, here's a random Dom photo:


Blogger Unknown said...

No after dinner snacks? The pain! Although that is a rule that I also try to stick to.

More writing? What type of writing? Like, a musical for us to film when I get back? Or more blogging? It's all good.

Wriggly giggly Indie made me *laugh*.


2:08 AM  
Blogger debbie said...

Well I made it through last night without post-dinner snackage, so day 1 worked.

Writing wise Matt and I are currently co-writing our first collaborative novel (we have collaboratively written short stories and scripts before but this is a our first novel together). It is a teen noir mystery set in a NZ high school that sometimes thinks it's an US high school when I write. I'm also writing a kids book (Matt is doing the illustrations) about a couple of kids who make a time machine out of a cardboard box and travel back with their plush fox Darwin to prehistoric times to see dinosaurs. Darwin actually then turns out to have a doctorate in palentology and teaches them about the dinosaurs they see.

On the Zombie flick front I wrote some zombie love song lyrics to a ballady love song I composed for fifth music. The words fit the music pretty well so that one song done (maybe).

Chorus of Zombie Love Song:
I want your brain,
The sweet smell of your flesh is driving me insane,
Having you will satisfy my hunger pain,
That's my refrain,
I want your brain.

9:18 PM  
Blogger debbie said...

Edit: that should read fifth form music. I don't know what fifth music is.

9:19 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Debz, you are a creative *genius*. Zombie musical makes me go Woah!.

The novel and children's book sound fab too ;)

3:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And since I keep visitng your blog for updates I should leave a comment. Gorgeous Dom photo and having seen him last weekend makes imagining the Indie game much easier :-)

9:00 PM  

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