Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

One of Dom's Xmas pressies was a swing. He loves it and giggles almost continually when he's in it.

January 1 has been a lovely sunny, lazy day. We have played with Dom, went for a walk to the park and fed the ducks, and Matt and I both did further exercise as well (which led to us being so hungry that we had a very early dinner). A good day to start the year with on the whole.

We watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall last night. It is a good romantic comedy - manages to be both funny and sweet at times, and I tend to find most most romantic comedies I've watched recently fail on either the 'romantic' or the 'comedy' bit or sometimes both. I largely wanted to see it because it had Veronica Mars in it but I would really recommend it for Russel Brand's character and the awesome (but way too brief in my opinion) scene of the Muppet Dracula musical. I wish they had made the whole musical - Muppets + Dracula + Musical (or 'Song play') = awesome.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great way to start the year. BTW the swing seems awesome. I want one!

1:07 PM  

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