Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Home again... again.

I'm still too traumatised by our harrowing week of Dom's operation and the panicked rush back into hospital yesterday to really go into any description of events. I'm sure Matt will cover it on his blog if he hasn't already.

The important thing is that Dom is now back home and is decidely more perky than he has been for some time. Seeing him miserable and unable to smile or laugh was truly heartbreaking. It is impossible to express adequately how good it is to have a baby that is crawling around again and back to his playful ways.

He has been romping around most of the afternoon reading, playing hide and seek, dropping random objects in the bathtub and watching his Grover DVD. He has even guzzled some toast as well. Hurrah!

As you can see from the photos, he doesn't look like a baby that was only discharged from hospital this morning.

Hanging out with Dad and a remote control.

After reading lots of picture books, he decided to steal Mum's book and give it a go.


Blogger Matt said...

Dominic was discharged on Saturday evening, was quite well on Saturday and Sunday, but started getting grizzly and not wanting to move around on Monday (not crawling, not even sitting on the floor to read books). He spent most of Monday asleep or feeding, but when he was awake he was increasingly unhappy and whimery. He had a very firm tummy with ominous bubblings but little gas escaping, and was constipated (a common side-effect of morphine apparently). He pooed once on Monday night but it was a rock, and we knew there was more to come.

We took him to the GP yesterday at 11.45am to get him checked (we thought constipation + tummy trouble). She thought one of the drain sites was infected. We thought it was a rash from the dressing. She called the hospital and got us an appointment with the Prof (specialist), we went down, were seen by a bunch of people, infection was dismissed - it was contact dermatitis. We stayed in overnight for observation, Dom pooed once and was much more comfortable by the morning. He was discharged at 9.30am this morning, has pooed 3 or 4 times today, and is much, much happier!

7:31 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

There was also some drama with a chest x-ray which the ped doctor thought showed fluid around the lung, meaning more surgery. Ped nurses started putting numbing cream on his bruised inner elbows for more IV drips etc.

It took a worrying hour to hear from the surgical team that the ped doctor was wrong, and there was no problem.

7:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see Dominic smiling again. He also has excellent taste in books!


11:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being in hospital is like being in an earthquake. Its not quite the same without a few aftershocks to add to the drama.

3:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a different boy to the one we saw on the weekend - what a change in a short time :)

7:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops! I am the second anonymous, forgot to put macow in.

Why does the word verification Harieste - make me think of Matt and his Dad? or would that be Hairiest?

7:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad to see him looking happy and eating etc. We have presents!! When can we see you again?

2:32 PM  

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