Sunday, March 12, 2006

Mega-roleplaying is, like, so Cockney! Part 1

Well, the end has come to a thoroughly enjoyable and action-packed weekend. I'm still feeling pretty energetic and happy in spite of the lack of sleep from last night. Normally, a not-in-bed-till-late Saturday night would lead to a groggy Sunday or the crash-and-burn asleep half-way through Sunday night's dinner scenario.* However, my energy and spirits have remained high throughout the day, not brought down by either marking or foraging about crowded supermarkets for food supplies. The marking, I believe, may turn out to have been a little unduly influenced by my good spirits. I seem to remember being rather liberal with the use of my cute doggy "Excellent!" stamp and the margin comments such as "insightful - well done!" and "brilliant explanation". I did manage to stop myself before I wrote anything too gushy or drew little smiley faces for the dots in all the i's. The games were tremendous fun but also quite tense. I played a teenage girl in two games on Saturday and then a giant 6 foot crab that had to drive a truck full of cheese in stolen refrigerators across the USA following the orders of the Crab Goddess. Oddly enough the crab was by far the most emotionally stable and well-balanced character. The first game I was lucky enough to play in was Jenni's incredibly cockney "Mean Girls" game which I have been desperately wanting to play in since FOREVER! Well, since I first heard about it. It was filled was lots of back-handed compliments and insecurity and laughs as I expected but I was amazed at how intense it was to play. I had been warned that it was upsetting but even Nick's war stories of evil boyfriends and betrayal were not enough to prepare me. I quickly fell into the headspace where looking uncool in front of your friends or having them decide they don't like you is just the most terrifying thing ever. Myself and the other players could not leave the table for even a bathroom break because we were petrified of what might happen or be said when we left the room. I think there is a line in Buffy where Joyce, her mum, comments that not going out to the Bronze with her friends "isn't the end of the world even though it feels like it." When you're thinking like a teen girl missing out on a social event is so MUCH worse than the end of the world. At least if the world ended you wouldn't have to go to school. There is no danger of having to survive a day when your friends or peers turn against you. That rejection and humiliated alienation is so much more terrifying than anything else. I guess what surprised me was how quickly I could start being really mean, and needlessly mean, to the other girls as the Queen Bee. It took about 5 seconds before I launched into bossing them and blackmailing them into doing things they didn't want to. The bizarre thing was that I felt my character was not enjoying picking on people, but that she felt she had to use her power over them. Being the Queen Bee was not a powerful character at all because you feel compelled to use and abuse your power all the time or else it will be taken away from you. As a player it was weird because I actually felt horrible doing and saying some of the things (especially being mean to Sam who was playing the Target) because I felt more sympathy for the other characters. I used to find that I wasn't really able as a player to do mean things to other PCs unless they were capable of retaliating - I'd feel too guilty. It wasn't like that in this game - you play to survive. It is fantastic for emulating the social cliques and getting players to really get into it. The other players were amazing and the great moments were too many to remember them all. The awesome 'cockney' trend was one of my favourites. Cockney was our clique's "fetch". The word was synonymous with cool and all things British (or what ignorant Teen Valerie decreed as British and 19th Century) were fashionable. Earl Grey tea and a toasted crumpet was the cockney lunch and rather erroneously "top of the morning to ya!" was the hip greeting of choice. Props to Talula for the awesome game! OK, enough for now. Bed time. Fear not gentle readers who are greedy for more tales of MRPGing. Part 2 is coming soon with the tale (possibly in Ballad form if I'm up to it - if I get at least 4 comments I'll feel forced too...) of how Queen Bee Valerie was dethroned, thrilling exploits of Prime Time series 'Phoenix' episodes 6 & 7 and other stuff of interest. * I have, on some rare occasions**, fallen asleep whilst eating with food or fork clutched in hand. It can lead to disturbing moments hours later when you wake up on the sofa only to find a half eaten chicken kiev staring up at you. ** Generally these tend to be those following extended periods of boisterous enjoyment of raucous social gatherings.


Blogger Matt said...

Mean Girls was a terrifying game, because you just knew that the system, the setting, the GM and all the other players were out to get you!

4:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ballad form! Ballad form! Ballad form!

I stand in awe of your teenage cultist depiction skills. I want to see "Phoenix". ;)

5:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh it was such a good game! You were so evil and underhand!!

6:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fourth comment! Now it has to be in ballad form!

I really enjoyed your cockney Queen Bee, and I especially enjoyed how confused you made Joe.

8:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It *must* be time for part 2!!!

6:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If not writing it in ballad form will get the post here quicker, I withdraw my comment. Uh, and this one.

I want to hear your impressions of PTA!

7:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please update! :)

3:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debzilly! You taunt me with your 'part 1'!

I must have more!!!!! MOOOOREEE!!!

4:01 PM  

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